The International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA) recently reviewed LearningWare's QuizPoint in its "Use of Force" Newsletter. The article can be found here, but we've also copied the text here:
What an instructor knows is not nearly as important as what his student knows as a result of the instructor’s work. Law enforcement officers don’t really like being tested, but many agencies see cognitive testing as a valuable assessment tool to determine if an officer possesses important concepts, as well as a proactive defense to civil litigation, especially in the area of use of force.
Many trainers have developed PowerPoint presentations that permit the student to answer questions. The biggest limitation of these tools is that there is no means to keep individual scores.
Private industry discovered some years ago that they could make testing more palatable by making it a game. Our competitive nature means students study harder and recall more important information when learning is reinforced by competition. Even more mundane subjects are remembered because it could mean a higher score. Most of the officers you train have played some sort of video game – and many still do – making them ideal candidates for this type of testing.
Learningware is a company that has developed two such testing platforms. Their original product GameshowPro, has recently been augmented by a new product called QuizPoint. Like its predecessor, QuizPoint uses a form of television’s Jeopardy game. The game’s software allows an instructor to include pictures, video and audio clips – before, during or after a question. QuizPoint also allows for a variety of testing options, including timed responses and directing the student to corrective information.
I found the QuizPoint software easy to use as both an instructor and a student. The quizzes are created by the instructor with software provided by Learningware and then uploaded to the companies’ secure web site. The quizzes are hosted on-line and the games are flash based, meaning the student can access the test from any web browser without downloading software. Users must have a user name and password.
The student’s responses are recorded and kept on file for later retrieval. Leaningware provides a Learning Management System that allows the instructor to see results by exam, question class or student. The system is also ideal for remote learning because the exams and records are web based. QuizPoint can also provide aggregate test scores to help you identify problem learners, and you can post top scorers to maintain the spirit of competition.
QuizPoint is currently being used by California P.O.S.T. and examined by a number of other agencies. For my preference, alternative templates currently being developed by Learningware will also be a welcome addition, especially for some of our more serious subjects where the game show format may not be most appropriate.
Learningware.com offers free trials of QuizPoint so you can determine if the product can help you. Learningware also offers government pricing – a license for up to 250 students currently costs $2,000. For further pricing information, you can contact Learningware at 800-457-5661 or speak directly to the Government Services Representative at 866-433-5139.
Looks like QuizPoint is already making waves--and we're glad to hear it!
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